CPUC Whistleblower

BREAKING: Governor Newsom Reappoints Marybel Batjer as CPUC President

This site is dedicated to exposing California Public Utilities Commission President, Marybel Batjer, who was recently reappointed by Gov Newsom, and her Commissioners who are corrupt and favor the Utilities they “should” regulate. PG&E has damaged the economy, harmed the most vulnerable, and caused the deaths of innocents by initiating fires and forcing blackouts in California.

Our purpose is to expose Batjer and the CPUC’s self-serving agendas, quid pro quo management, retaliation on whistleblowers, and violation of the law.

Fire Power Money Documentary

CPUC Audit confirms flawed system

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Batjer false claims - Declines to be interviewed

Does CPUC work to protect the public trust or the utility companies?

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CPUC and their Responsibility

The California Public Utilities Commission is supposed to regulate services and utilities, protect consumers, safeguard the environment, and assure Californians' access to safe and reliable utility infrastructure and services.

They are too close to the companies the are supposed to regulate. “The fox should not be guarding the henhouse”

The Assessment of Accounting Processes and Services, Final Report, released June 2020, by an independent auditing firm, Sjoberg & Evashenk Consulting, Inc.

The Assessment of Accounting Processes and Services, Final Report, released June 2020, by an independent auditing firm, Sjoberg & Evashenk Consulting, Inc.

CPUC Retaliates against Director Stebbins

Alice Stebbins' response to the CPUC on the Draft State Personal Board Investigation.

Alice Stebbins' response to the CPUC on the Draft State Personal Board Investigation.

#30 Batjer sends email to all CPUC to shame Alice and intimidate CPUC staff.png

Standing up against retaliation and illegal meetings

Letter to the CPUC on their "Illegal Closed Meetings and Potential Removal of Executive Director Alice Stebbins", August 4, 2020

Letter to the CPUC on their "Illegal Closed Meetings and Potential Removal of Executive Director Alice Stebbins", August 4, 2020

Letter to the CPUC on their "Illegal Closed Meetings and Potential Removal of Executive Director Alice Stebbins", August 4, 2020

Letter to the CPUC on their "Illegal Closed Meetings and Potential Removal of Executive Director Alice Stebbins", August 4, 2020

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Filing of Alice Stebbins vs CPUC


Commissioners violated the Bagley-Keene Act via Texts

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